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About Us

Audiostance was founded in 2018 by a small team of people passionate about the audio industry and looking to create a hub of useful information about all things audio. While we focus on most types of audio equipment, we specialize in home audio, headphones, and studio sound.

How we choose products

Many online audio publications simply echo the first page of Amazon’s search results for a product type. The problem with that approach is that some companies boost their own products to make them seem more popular than they are.

We use our extensive experience in speakers and audio brands to provide reliable and accurate lists that represent the best products on the market. We define the term ‘best’ by combining performance, value, durability, and brand reliability. Each list is hand-selected by us, and we provide insight into why it’s a top choice.

Honest and genuine reviews

We have never accepted payment for a review. Our belief is that the best way to provide honest reviews is to remove the incentives that paid reviews bring. While we accept sample products from manufacturers in order to review, we will always maintain a balanced and honest approach to our reviews.

Audiostance Logo - About

But how do we make our money then?

Instead of plastering display ads all over our site, we use Amazon and Walmart affiliate programs. This means that when you click an Amazon or Walmart link from our website, we earn a small commission if you buy the product. This doesn’t cost you anything extra but helps us keep bringing you content and making your shopping experience more informed.

Why should you trust us?

Well, as we’ve stated above, here are the three main reasons why you should trust us:

  • All our reviews are honest, unbiased, and all opinions are our own. None of the brands we feature get a say about what we publish or don’t publish about their products. Good or bad.
  • Our writers consist of a team of qualified sound engineers, musicians, and audiophiles. Each of them has a passion for the world of audio gear and they have a personal interest in the topics which they write about.
  • We’re transparent about the means in which our site makes its money. We don’t hide our Amazon Affiliate buttons and clearly color them and brand them so that you can spot them easily.

Who are we?

Here are some of the regular names you’ll see on our site! We’re a team of qualified sound engineers, musicians, and audiophiles. We have a passion for the world of audio gear and a personal interest in the topics we write about. We’re scattered across the globe from Cape Town to Massachusetts, to London, and even Cambodia, too!

Bryn De Kocks

Bryn De Kocks is the lead editor for Audiostance and one of our trusted reviewers. He has more than 15 years of experience in online publication and has experience as an audio enthusiast who is particularly interested in headphones. He has written for several audio websites over the years, and when he isn’t reviewing audio gear, his hobbies include competitive gaming, music production, and birding.

Audiostance Author - Matt Hallowes

Matt is a sound engineer and self-confessed vinyl junkie! His work as a sound engineer includes both live production and venue installations. While traveling the world, Matt shares his knowledge and expertise with us!

Matt Cox

A talented musician and audio fanatic, Matt Cox is a sound engineering student with a deep passion for all things audio. He enjoys writing music, writing audio reviews, and keeping up to date with the latest product developments in the industry.

Zach Scheepers

Zach is a South African-based writer, audiophile, and PC enthusiast. When he’s not writing for Audiostance, you’ll find him reading and re-enacting scenes from the Lord of the Rings.

Jake Currier

Jake is an audio engineer and graphic designer who loves music, technology, video games, and writing! In his spare time, Jake also enjoys playing the keyboard and guitar, as well as adding vocals.

Marko Jovanovic

Born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia. Marko is an avid musician with over 15 years of experience in recording and live performance. Aside from us, he’s also the senior news editor for Ultimate Guitar.

Need more info?

Have a question or suggestion? We’d love to hear from you! Visit our Contact Us page to get in touch!