Buying the best ceiling speakers for your home may feel like a challenge, terminology can be confusing for first-time buyers, and with so many different models on the market, one can feel overwhelmed. In this guide, we use our experience in home...
For the first time since 1987, vinyl sales have overtaken those of CDs. With vinyl’s return to form, we’ve also seen newcomers struggle to understand what they need for a beginner record player. In this article, we’ll run you...
Contrary to popular belief, waterproof headphones are not just for swimming. If you are someone who perspires a lot or there is a risk of getting your headphones wet while training, then it’s best to use waterproof in-ear headphones.There are a lot...
When we first starting researching products for this Bluetooth shower speaker article, we had no idea how much of a demand or, how many products there actually are. It seems there are a lot of people who love listening to music in the shower, which...
When buying an affordable record player that includes built-in speakers, it’s important to understand that you’ll need to make a trade-off between audio quality and affordability. These vinyl players can be considered entry-level...
Portable record players are a great way to introduce children to vinyl records or to hunt through record collections at garage sales and thrift stores to find unique selections. They are compact enough to be carried around easily and can, in many...
Do you have a quality turntable but poor speakers? Have you just upgraded your turntable and are unsure which speakers to buy? This post will help you make a better buying decision when choosing the best speakers for vinyl record players. Our Pick...
The physical installation of home audio is, to some people, the most daunting part of getting your interior sound set up. Speakers are often an investment to improve the value of a home or improve your quality of life. When we’re already...
Are you tired of flat sound that leaves your songs dull and your movies unenthralling? The popularity of home stereo systems is rooted in their performance. These audio setups feature several components, core of which is a combination of left and...
When it comes to buying a PA system, it’s important to have a good idea of your intended uses in mind, as that is going to weigh heavily in your decision. Because PA systems can range from around $100 to thousands of dollars, it’s...